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Finding the Wise Path

 Counseling/Soul Caregiving

Discovering our own personal trek through a world of choices, with others, wisely


          None of us are standing still.  It's forward, onward, sometimes sideways or even backwards, but the  laws of continuous motion keep us moving always one way or the other.  And our pathway is often poorly lit.  We are not born with all of the wisdom and knowledge necessary to always stay between the ditches or even to get to the desired endpoint.  And it's not always clear what is and what is not the wise thing to do.  But we do know that Wisdom does come by sharing notes with others - we cannot experience everything ourselves and need the experience of others.  We collaborate with others in order to get the whole picture.  "Mine eyes are not enough for me", said C.S. Lewis.  We cannot see the whole "landscape" from a single position in this world.  Sometimes we need to look at things through others' eyes, as well. Sometimes stepping into the shoes of others in order to benefit from their experience, and they from ours - to grasp certain things outside of our own personal experience people need to connect with each other.  Not only do we need to connect with each other to have a well-rounded perspective, but it has been found that connection is a basic need at the heart of every person's well being.  It appears wise to both care and to permit others to care about us.

Dialogue is foundational to human life.  We are hard-wired to be social animals who need to communicate both to understand and to be understood.

​           "Wisdom comes from without"  (someone once rightly proffered).  We don't come with wisdom already installed.  But we are wisdom compatible.  It's through connecting and communicating together through conversation that we can discover and explore things we might never have experienced or imagined ourselves.  Through interfacing with others we are able to confirm things about that which we may have only wondered.  So, we often upgrade, we expand, we grow in ways that sometimes surprise us, make us healthier, more able, wiser, or often just plain happier.  We compare views, we confer, deliberate, dissect, we talk, we explore, we discover.  And, as we carefully connect with others and grow in available wisdom, wisdom seems to graciously and unfailingly take care of us. 


           You must also cultivate a connection with your own self.  "Know yourself".  To know what is right for you, you must first come to know yourself.  Sometimes that requires having to move others out of the way.  Others who are slowing us down may sometimes have to walk beside us, instead, or even behind us for a while (or even on a different path).  We are often walking a new path meant to rediscover our original, intended selves - the one we arrived as at birth, before this world perhaps took us off in a different direction.  Quite often there is a lot of conditioning and faulty assumptions that we need to put behind us in the process.


           And even then, you may still not be ready for the home-stretch.  Connecting to a wise community of friends and acquaintances is also important to gain ideas, insight, support, encouragement, love, and care.  Caring is the nature of wisdom.  Wisdom cares and needs care.  Care and let others care about you.


           We in this hopeful and wise community at Finding the Wise Path are dedicated to connecting with the leading edge and then sharing together that which both secular and Christian individuals exploring through God's creation are finding out about both it and themselves, and then using it, to discover our own personal trek through a world of choices, with others, wisely.

"We’ve known for thousands of years that when we train our minds in wisdom, lovingkindness and compassion, our lives improve and we can contribute to the lives around us in more powerful ways" -

Wisdom is part...
Wisdom is part...
 Counseling and Soul-Care Services

Our task, as described by the late Alice Miller -  "Our greatest therapeutic task is to locate an enlightened witness—a mature and helpful individual—who can be fully present without judging. The latter is indispensable in the process of psychological integration and personal liberation.”

By the way . . . 


Finding the Wise Path

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